Monday, February 2, 2009

Chloe's Bio

1. The last thing that I wrote was a poem called " Virgin Snow". It was about two young people who liked each other but didn't know how to expressed it.
2. The last full length book that I read was E. Lynn Harris's "Just to Good to be True". I just finshed it almost a month ago.
3. The last event I attended on campus was the reading of Dr. Micheal Eric Dyson's Novel: " Come Hell or High Water".
4. I spend very little time in my car unless I am driving to work or school.
5. My goal for this English class is to gain the knowledge to become a better writer as well as being able to write a paper with no grammical errors in it. But I am also shooting for an "A" but I know I have to work for what I want.

Ok, about me: I am 20 years old. This is my last semester at CCBC. I will be attending the University of Balitmore for my B.S. in Applied Information Technology. I really like computers and everything that entails with it. I write poetry and learning how to speak Japanese, so that is basically it for me. Wanna know more, just ask.

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