Sunday, March 8, 2009

Fast Food Nation

Chapter 3

  1. On page 60 it talks about how the restaurants and surrounding neighborhoods look as if they were manufactured by a gigantic machine and not really showing and real difference from one another. I can relate to this because in my life I struggle trying to be an individual and being seen as my own person rather than just part of the group.
  2. On page 61 it explains how developments in the Rocky's of Colorado are being imitated from those in California. I can relate to this because people around me are having ideas and values being pushed onto them regardless of whether or not they are interested.
  3. An area of boader research that could come from this chapter would have to be how in today's society, how individualism is becoming less and less.

Chapter 7

  1. On pages 150-151 it goes on to talk about how a man named Warren Monfort was the first to start feeding his cattle grain instead of following everyone else and letting them eat grass. In the end after killed, the meat from his cattle was alot meatier and thicker than the cattle of those who were grass fed; it soon started to catch on. I can really relate to this because most of the time I dont do what everyone else does; I do things my way and most of the time my way is faster and better.
  2. On pages 152-153 it talks about how at the meatpacking factory in Chicago in 1906 was cutting corners on safety and health. There were even cases where actual people accidently fell into vats, turned into lard, and sold to unknowing customers. I can really relate to this because at my job the superiors always cut corners on almost everything making it so that they benefit more than anyone in the end.
  3. An area of broader research that could come from this chapter would most likely be how a good thing over time can become bad.

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