Sunday, March 1, 2009

Fast Food

1. My life is not really affected by fast food. I try to stay away from it as much as possible, unless I am on a road trip or something. Yes I think it is convenient and cheap for college students, since most college students have no money, but if you eat at a fast food restaurant everyday, the money adds up and people don't realize how much they're spending on fast food. Whenever I eat fast food, I always feel sick after I finish my meal. I'm glad my life is not run by fast food.
2. After reading the introduction and chapter two of Fast Food Nation, the lives of Americans are run by fast food. Companies like McDonald's, use synergy to market kids into coming to their fast food restaurants. McDonald's is paired up with the top toy companies to give out free toys for kids in happy meals, and they also have play-lands in a lot of the McDonald's around the world. The marketing strategy for all of the fast food restaurants is to grab the attention of children, who bring in family, etc. and result in the restaurant making more profit. It is sad that the world, mainly America, is ran by fast food and how the rising rate of obesity is not considered a problem. I didn't think that fast food restaurants really marketed towards children, but now that I realize it, I think it is disgusting. Children have minds like sponges and are very influenced by things, and having commercials on TV that bring children into fast food restaurants and teach children bad eating habits is terrible.

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