Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Things They Carried "Lights" and "An Unspoken Hunger"

"Lights!" we'd keep yelling until the beams flashed on. It was usually immediate- the driver honking back thanks, or flinching embarrassed behind the steering wheel, or gunning past, and we'd see his red tailights blink on"

What i think the word vivid means is bringing the emotion out of what the story states or what that passage is talking about in the story. It is also going to the main point that shows the action of the story on the main idea. The word vivid can also visualize the the importance of the description. Thats very vivid to me because the authar Stuart Dybrek is trying to say that their is cautions to watch out when a car would go by withought its headlights on showing that lights should always be on at night so that it wouldnt cause any bad accidents

"It is an unspoken hunger we deflect with knives-one avacado between us, cut neatly in half, twisted then seperated from the large wooden pit. With the green fleshly boats in hand, we slice vertical stripes from one end to the other"

That passage shows the main point of what it is talking about because the vivid information gives details and the clear point of how it was going to be cut very sharply and being cut neatly in half. Its very interesting because the author is trying to state that they were enjoying the silver blade " risking the blood of our tongue repeatedly"

On the story "The things They Carried" talks about many things that the soldiers carried. The items that was very important to the soldiers were the pocket Knives, wristwatches, ciggerettes, matches, and two or three canteens of water. Those stood out to me because for men they needed knives for their protection and also needing to cut objects, also ciggerettes were the needs of soldiers to take to help keep them releived.

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